Thursday, June 4, 2009

I don't know where to begin . .

Yesterday I found out that my good friend had passed away. I feel the loss deeply.

I have spent the last 24 hrs thinking a lot about my childhood and teenage years. I was truly blessed with outstanding friends. I also had a mother who loved my friends and always welcomed them in our home. (even when I wasn't there)

A couple years ago Tom and I were talking about true friendship. As we debated the definition, Tom came up with the best test of friendship.

" A true friend is the one you know that if they were the one person you could call, you could count on them to bail you out of jail"

Brad was that kind of friend.

My number one goal in life is that I can live my life without regrets. Right now, I regret that I haven't told my friends how much they have meant to me and how they positively influenced my life and contributed to my success. For those of you that were such an important part of a dumb ugly girl's (dug) life, THANK YOU!

I am watching my nephew's high school graduation tonight. I am hoping and praying that my daughters will have the kind of friends I had, and that I can be the supportive mother that my mom was to me and my friends.

Way to go A.J. !


Kim said...

This is so, so sad. I have been thinking about your story you told on Mark's blog about Brad's thoughtfulness calling your mom on mother's day.

GobbyFriend said...

I know . . .