Thursday, November 6, 2008

Happy story of the day

I was having a rough day today - things at work are pretty stressful with all of the budget cuts, State legislature cuts, Medicare cuts, and just the economy in general. I was talking to Tom about how stressed I was feeling and he re-told me this story. It is one of those things that no matter how many times I have heard it - It cheers me up, so I thought I would share.

"Caprice, I just remembered something that happened a while ago.
I had just met a guy at work and he was still trying to convert me to being a "Real" Christian. We were out at his truck and I had just finished giving him my "Names Don't Matter" story (That is a story I will tell another time) Then he started talking about faith and strength. The night before he and his Dad had hosted a thing called "strength for Jesus" which is apparently when really strong guys get really stronger by loudly proclaiming their faith in Jesus, doing things like ripping phonebooks in half, throwing cars, bending re-bar in their teeth and what not. To prove his point he reaches into the back of his truck and throws me a frying pan that has been bent in half, telling me as he does that "no Mormon has faith like that". I held the pan in my hand, had a good look at it and then I straightened the bent frying pan and tossed it back into his truck. "
"If I was witty I would have said something really cool at this point, but all I could think to say was: " I believe in Jesus, that helps" .
His mouth dropped open and he gagged on his cigarette, later I saw him trying to re bend it. He was too upset to even talk to me for about two days."

That story makes me happy because of two things;
First , it is so TOM, he is really very strong - in multiple ways: physically, spiritually and he is my rock. He is there to lean on, to support me and to keep me grounded. I am so grateful for him.

Second, it is good to remember that when things seem impossible - believing in Jesus always helps.